The Power of Online Compilers



Source: GFG

Introduction :

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, the way we code and develop software has seen a remarkable transformation. Gone are the days when programmers were tethered to their local development environments. Today, online compilers are ushering in a new era of convenience, accessibility, and collaboration in the world of coding. In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating realm of online compilers, how they work, their benefits, and the impact they’re having on the coding landscape.

Online Compilers: A Game Changer:

An online compiler is a tool that lets you run code written in many programming languages online after it has been compiled. Without installing and configuring development environments on your local computer, you may create, build, and execute code in a variety of programming languages using online compilers. They can extremely handy in situations when you don’t have access to a local development environment, as well as for rapid testing and, the way we code and develop software has seen a remarkable transformation. Gone are the days when programmers were tethered to their local development environments. Today, online compilers are ushering in a new era of convenience, accessibility, and collaboration in the world of coding. In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating realm of online compilers, how they work, their benefits, and the impact they’re having on the coding landscape.

Source: Quora, How does Online compilers Work

Benefits That’s matter:

* No Setup Needed: Online compilers eliminate the need for setting up and configuring a development environment on your local machine. This saves time and effort, especially for beginners and when working with multiple programming languages.

* No Configuration Required: Unlike traditional development environments, online compilers are pre-configured and ready to use.

*Accessibility: Online compilers are accessible from any location with an internet connection. This flexibility is beneficial for programmers who need to work on their projects while on the go or from different devices.

* Resource Sharing: Many online compiler platforms allow users to easily share their code with others. This is particularly valuable for collaborative work, code reviews, and getting help from peers or experts.

* No Hardware Restrictions: Online compilers are not limited by the hardware capabilities of the user’s local machine. They can handle resource-intensive tasks, such as compiling large code bases, without the user worrying about local storage or memory constraints.

* Versatility: Online compilers support a variety of programming languages and tools, making them versatile for a wide range of development and testing needs.

* Cross-Platform Compatibility: Online compilers work on different operating systems, ensuring compatibility and consistency in code execution across various platforms.

* Program Translations: These platforms are instrumental in translating code between different programming languages, a boon for projects with multi-language code bases.

Working of the Online Compiler:

Source: Javapoint, Flow of Compilers

The code undergoes the following procedure in an online compiler:

Word edited
  • Conversion of Source Code: Online compilers transform code written in a high-level programming language (the source language) into another form, typically lower-level code or executable code.
  • Server Hosting: Online compilers are hosted on remote servers and are made accessible to users through web pages. These servers handle code compilation.
  • Code Input via Web Pages: Users input their code and specify the programming language through web pages provided by the online compiler platform.
  • Compiler Selection: The server, based on the specified programming language, selects an appropriate compiler to handle the compilation process.
  • Compilation: The selected compiler processes and translates the source code into a lower-level language or executable code. This step may involve syntax checking and other analysis.
  • Result Parsing: After compilation is complete, the server parses the compilation results. This includes checking for any errors or warnings generated during the compilation process.
  • Result Delivery to Client: The server delivers the compiled code or the outcome of the compilation back to the client that initiated the compilation request.

What are the types of Online Compiler?

Single-Pass Compiler:

Online compilers are web-based tools that allow you to write, compile, and run code in various programming languages without the need to install and configure development environments on your local computer. They are useful for quick testing and learning, as well as for scenarios where you don’t have access to a local development environment

Approach to parsing and processing source code:

  • Scanning (Lexical Analysis): In a single-pass compiler, the first pass scans the source code to perform lexical analysis. It breaks down the source code into tokens (identifiers, keywords, literals, operators, etc.) and performs basic error checking.
  • Parsing: The parser in a single-pass compiler processes the source code while the first pass is still scanning. It checks the syntax and structure of the code to ensure it adheres to the language’s grammar rules.
  • Code Generation: As the parser detects valid code structures, it generates intermediate code or object code. The code generation process happens in real-time as the source code is being parsed.
  • Output: The generated code is usually directly written to an output file or memory. Single-pass compilers are often used for languages where the syntax and structure can be determined with a single pass.

Two-Pass Compiler:

A two-pass compiler processes the source code in two passes. In the first pass, it collects information about the code structure and symbols (e.g., variable declarations), and in the second pass, it generates the actual machine code or object code. Two-pass compilers are more powerful and versatile than single-pass compilers but may be less efficient.

Approach to parsing and processing source code:

  • First Pass: The first pass in a two-pass compiler performs a more detailed lexical analysis and builds a symbol table. It also records information about the code structure, such as variable declarations and function definitions.
  • Intermediate Representation: After the first pass, an intermediate representation of the code is created, often in the form of an abstract syntax tree or some other data structure. This representation contains detailed information about the code’s structure.
  • Second Pass: The second pass uses the intermediate representation to generate the final object code. It can focus on optimizing the code and translating it into a more efficient form. This pass generates the actual machine code or executable file.

Multi-pass Compiler:

A multi pass compiler performs multiple passes over the source code. The number of passes can vary, but the goal is to gather information, optimize the code, and generate the final executable. Multi pass compilers are more complex and capable of extensive optimizations but may take longer to compile large programs.

Approach to parsing and processing source code:

  • Multiple-Passes: A multi pass compiler performs multiple passes over the source code. The exact number of passes can vary, but each pass has a specific purpose.
  • Analysis and Optimization: The initial passes are often dedicated to analysis and optimization. These passes collect information about variable usage, control flow, and data structures and apply various optimizations.
  • Code Generation: In the final passes, the compiler generates the object code or executable based on the optimized intermediate representation.
  • Output: The final object code is produced and written to an output file.

Multi-pass compilers are known for their ability to perform extensive optimizations and generate efficient code. However, they may take longer to compile programs due to the multiple passes.

Applications of Online Compiler:

  • High-Level Programming Language Implementation: High-level programming languages are frequently implemented and tested using online compilers. For programmers writing, compiling, and executing code in languages like as C++, Java, Python, and others, they offer a handy platform. Prototyping, learning, and software development may all benefit from this.
  • Computer Architecture Optimization: You may experiment with code optimizations related to computer architecture using online compilers. This entails looking for methods to decrease memory use, increase program efficiency, and optimize the code for certain hardware platforms.
  • Program Translations: Code translation across programming languages can be facilitated by online compilers. When developers need to comprehend the comparable code in other languages or when code needs to be transferred from one language to another, this might be helpful.
  • Software Productivity Tools: Online compilers streamline software productivity, provide quick code validation and testing, and are useful for coding interviews and competitive programming contests.
Source: W3Schools, Multilingual Compilers

Online Compilers:

  • GeeksforGeeks IDE: This popular computer science webpage provides a clever IDE 4 a variety of programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, and others. You may download your code, get lightning-fast code execution with specific inputs, and get a URL for convenient sharing.
GFG IDE Online
  • Ideone: For programmers, Ideone is a free web compiler and debugger. It’s a quick and easy platform to share and check codes.
IDEONE Online Compiler
  • OneCompiler: Notable programming languages and databases supported by OneCompiler include Java, Python, C++, and many more. OneCompiler is a flexible online compiler. It’s a platform where different languages may be written, executed, and shared code.
  • Codepad: You can write and run code in more than 50 programming languages with Codepad, a straightforward online compiler and interpreter. Moreover, it provides tools for organizing, storing, and distributing your code through links.
CodePad Interface
  • OnlineGDB: Designed only for the C/C++ programming languages, OnlineGDB is an online compiler and debugger. It also gives your code the ability to be debugged and imparting.
Online GBD Interface

Limitations that users need to be aware of:

  • Dependency on Internet Connection: One of the primary limitations is the requirement of a stable internet connection. Without it, users cannot access the online compiler, which can be particularly problematic in areas with limited or unreliable internet connectivity. Technical issues or high server traffic can also disrupt the user experience.
  • Limited Library Support: Online compilers may not support certain libraries or frameworks essential for some programming languages.
  • Resource Constraints: Online compilers typically allocate limited computational resources to each user. This can restrict the execution of resource-intensive code, limiting users when working on projects involving complex calculations or large-scale data processing.
  • Limited Debugging Tools: Debugging is crucial for identifying and fixing errors in code.Online compilers often have limited debugging capabilities, making it challenging for users to effectively trace and resolve issues.
  • File and System Access Restrictions: Online compilers prioritize security, which may lead to restrictions on accessing local files or performing operations that could compromise the system.

While necessary for security, these restrictions limit users from working with files integral to their coding tasks.


Online compilers have revolutionized software development and coding. They offer a range of benefits, including ease of use, accessibility from anywhere, and support for multiple programming languages. They are particularly valuable for beginners, as they eliminate the need for complex local installations and configurations. These tools also encourage collaboration among developers and facilitate code sharing. Online compilers play a crucial role in program translation, making it easier to work with multi-language code bases and ensure cross-platform compatibility.

In the future, online compilers are expected to become even more integral to software development, providing enhanced convenience and collaborative capabilities to users, both novice and experienced.


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Thank you Prof. Jyoti Kanjalkar and Prof. Anand Kaulge for your Guidance.

HA for Compiler Design.

